My name is Nick Chiaramonte. I spent the first 20 years of my life living in the suburb of Park Ridge, and then moved to the Edison Park neighborhood of Chicago. My wife and I now live in the South Loop, so I’m very familiar with living and working in both the city and suburbs. In spite of the weather, I love the Chicagoland area and all it has to offer.
Prior to starting out in the field of real estate, I was a paramedic for 12 years, and also worked as a personal trainer. Throughout my career, I have helped people deal with stressful situations in a calm, focused manner. I can help reduce the stress of buying or selling a home with this same approach. I have also developed an ability to carefully listen to my clients, and then help them set and achieve their objectives. I feel this is important in a good client/realtor relationship. As one of my client’s wrote, “Nick really takes the time to work out a plan that is tailored to you and your goals. He is very personable and always brings a positive attitude!”
When I purchased my home, I learned firsthand what a difference it made to have a caring, knowledgeable real estate agent help me navigate all of the challenges of that process. My goal is to provide that same experience to every one of my clients.